Sherlock Holmes is an incredible collection of 12 stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Published in 1892, it narrates the adventures of a superlative investigator, criminologist and action man whose love for The truth pushes him to overcome any obstacle to find solutions. This man has a very high deductive ability, which helps him solve any of his investigations. This character wants to teach us to Observe, not to stop at the first apparent appearance. Sherlock Holmes wants to teach us to observe, Not to stop at the first apparent appearance. The little details of appearance teach us a lot about a person,
From the clothes reveal us the interests or the trade, while the ways of expression of the face determine the habits. We have lost these modes that are innate.
Quality & Details
- 100% wool
- printed scarf with much love
- 1 cm hand made Fringe
- 70X200 cm
- Exclusive finishing "Hydro soft"